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Saturday, 29 October 2011

Morocco Tour Itinerary

Please find below the proposed tour itinerary, just to whet your appetite a bit more about our forthcoming visit to Morocco and all that this wonderful opportunity offers.
As we get closer and closer some of the details are subject to change and more details will become available, we will keep you informed as soon as we can. It all looks very exciting.

Day one:
Arrival at Casablanca air port and coach to the LYDEC Sport CENTER KAHRAMA complex (hotel and apartments). Dinner at the Complex. Possibly a quick trip to Casablanca centre and coast.

Day two: Breakfast in the sports complex LYDAC:
Then to the Rugby club of RUC to play two matches against two clubs. 

RUC and COC. 
Back to the LYDAC complex to change and go to Marrakech.
Dinner at the hotel in Marrakech.

Day three:
Breakfast :
Match against (Kawkab) Marrakech youth team.

Back to the complex

Trip to the square and dinner at the Riad Bahia restaurant with small show.

Day four:
Relaxing day for shopping and site visiting /camel rides/quad bikes /Atlas Mountains /cooking lessons etc.

Dinner at the fantasia khasba chez Ali:

Day 5:
Breakfast fly back.

Special thanks to JAMAL GHANBOURI for all the organisation and negotiations in Morocco. We wouldn't be going if it wasn't for Jamal.
To contact Jamal: (tel 00447774788161)

1 comment:

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