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Tuesday, 6 September 2011

New season. New sponsors.

First of all a massive 'Thank You' to Stuart's Taxi & Travel for all the support over the past few years. Not only have they sponsored the shirts through the latter years of our age group as Minis and many a tournament's success but most importantly they were the name on our shirts when we won the Norfolk Cup.

This year we will not only be wearing a new set of shirts, matching the senior sides with the new 50th Anniversary logo, we will also be brandishing new sponsors.

As you will see from the pictures below we have Boldero & Co, courtesy of Ian Boldero, father of Ollie sporting the right arm and on the left a graphic to symbolise the Norfolk Cup win.

On the front you will see we are sponsored this time by TalkTalk. Something you lot are very good at, unfortunately we couldn't find a sponsor called ListenListen. We are of course very grateful to TalkTalk and their investment into rugby at grass roots level. Let's make sure we wear the shirts with pride and give our sponsors something to shout about.

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